Join Us

There are 7 reason why you would want to join The Free Range Pork Association : South Africa

ONE: It Is 100% Free!

Click Here to join and get our free range pork recipe books as a bonus.

We also have a special premier VIP club for the discerning consumer who wants to order the best free range pork money can buy to be delivered at his or her home or office.

There are also two VIP fun clubs:  One for the men (The Bacon Boys) and one for the Woman (The Belly Babes)

The men do stupid(?) stuff like outdoor food competitions, outdoor pig racing, and much more. The woman do nice girl stuff like spending their husbands money on fun boat trips and fashion shows and sometimes exotic pork tasting competitions.

Find out more here.

TWO: How would you like to farm part-time for profit?

We developed a City farmer investment scheme were you rent farmland, labour and all the equipment necessary to start farming without having to buy an inch of land.

Everything, including all the equipment you will need to keep your first 10 sows and build your farming business up to your first 100+ piglets, can be done with the amazing Farm-On-Wheels system.

The Farm-On-Wheels System is 100% portable (on wheels) to move instantly to any suitable  farmland that you can rent.

The Farm-On-Wheels System was designed by farmers, for farmers, specifically for Free Range Pig Farming conditions in Southern Africa.


If you are already a a full time farmer with your own farm land and want to expand your business to include free range farming as a new income stream The Farm-On-Wheels System is the natural choice.

It is extremely cost effective,  you can be in production within 48 hours and it is an asset that you can use over and over again and even sell it if you stop or reduce your farming activities again.

FOUR: Become a Field Agent

Field Agents are independent consultants who assist farmers with information and to help them manage their free range pig farms. MORE INFORMATION HERE.

FIVE: Become An Distributor  

We need more distributors for free range pork in Southern Africa. If you are currently in the food & meat industry or a restaurant owner or supplier of meat products to corporate companies – please make contact with us.

SIX : Become and fan and ambassador

Ambassadors earn handsome commissions for helping spread the word and get more supporters on board.

SEVEN: Because it is the right thing to do…. 

Thank You

Free Range Pork & Farming Information